One more picture and we're ready to go! I sat on Jamie's little office. This is where he do his PPP Opp. Click!
We've finished all the important business early and then started shopping for our food.
Yes we had this cheap offer that made us over spend our weeks budget. We bought lots of meats specifically pork and beef sirloins for the steak I'm planning to make this week. I've been dying to try the recipe I've watched in TFC called "Korean Steak Recipe". Believe it or not, I've tried it earlier and its really lovely! Don't miss it guys just click the recipe highlighted and prepare a delicious meal for your loving husband. Give him some surprise meal before he got home!
We also got this Weetabix Cereal. It's one of Jamies Favorite Cereal. I've only tried eating cereal three times since getting here. That's because I think I'd be easily hungry eating just cereal for breakfast. I used to eat big breakfast like Fried Tinapa with Alamang, Onion and Tomatoes with lots of Rice of course. That's mouthwatering Ilocano meal that I miss so much. Yummy!
Well, I've tried this cereal and its not that bad. In fact its yummy and delicious. Jamie said I should be eating cereal as its healthy and nutritious. I might surprise Jamie one day asking for this quick meal.
We also had vegetables. Everytime we go shopping I make sure theres vegetables in it. But if Jamie made the shopping lists, he wont put vegetables coz he hates it. Lol! Since g
Believe it or not, I finally saw Okra in TESCO. I nearly jumped when I saw it. I also got this Finger Chilli or Siling-Labuyo in local name. Its hard to find fresh vegetables like this here. Unlike in the Philippines, you can easily get these vegetables anywhere. Well, Its nice to see local vegetables that you really miss eating. I plan to make this Korean Steak with Soy Sauce (of course with chopped onion, chilli, soy and calamansi) and fry this Okra ( Lady Finger). Hmm.. Can't wait to eat that meal! I asked Jamie to watch out for eggplant ( Talong ) next time we shop. I'd be overwhelmed to have that for my Tortang Talong with Toyomansi and Chilli!
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