3 Sept 2008

Fertility Calculator : When is the best time to conceive?

The picture on the side was the "Fertility Calculator"that I'm curious about. I wonder how it works.

Earlier, I was busy reading some post about blogging and how you can optimize post thru different Search engines. Upon searching, I'm glued on this specific topic about "Pregnancy".

Is it obvious that I really want to have baby. Lol! In other words, I continue reading about this article and the do's and don'ts on planning to get pregnant. I was reading about the reason why some couple don't conceive on the first few months or year as a couple. I come to realize that today is our 6th monthsary. And still waiting for God's gift. My in-laws told me there's no pressure for grand child. Well, i'm still enjoying being a plain housewife as of the moment but seeing my nephew and nieces growing makes me envious about it. I want to have a baby! That's what I have in mind right now.

The picture above was the fertility calculator that I have tried today. Those dates with blue shades are the dates where my ovulation is expected. Meaning, I am most fertile on the 6th to 12th of September. Its quite amazing using this Calculator. It somehow help women out there plans to whenever they want to have a baby. Or even to couples who believes in natural family planning. This is really cool! Believe it or not, this a very useful tips to us!

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