I was browsing Youtube earlier watching the new Internet Sensation in the Philippines who is now known as Madonna Decena. She joined the prestigious British Got Talent 2008 and got famous after posting her video in Youtube. I read lots of comments about them then diverted my attention in this so called Vocal Battles Video. ( credit to vocalbattlesvids2). Theres lots of Philippines great singers that was being compared and one of them is this video I feature here.
Yes, its Regine VS Charice. Regine Velasquez who is know to be the Asia's Song Bird and Charice Pempengco now known as the new International Singing Sensation who had been guests to International shows in US and London. Whew! What's your view about this battle? See it yourself and comment. But as for me, we don't need to compare each song artists and make them hate each other. Rather just be proud of them as they are giving credits how talented Filipinos all over the world. After all, they've got this own style and they have done their best to prove their talents. Lets support and be proud of them. I'm proud of all Filipino Talents!
Nẹp nhôm cầu thang NNCT01 43×28
1 year ago
Oh! yeah there really good...