25 Sept 2008

Where would you go on holiday if you had an RV?

Please Note: This is a sponsored post.

Today my sponsor has asked me to write about where I would go on holiday if I owned a RV - (Recreational Vehicle).

Well if I owned an RV I would like to tour most of the world. I would start in Europe with countries such as France, Spain, Germany, Italy and Greece to experience each capital city and the other attractions on offer also to experience each unique culture. Then I would move onto Egypt to see the Pyramids and Sphinx. I would definitely have to visit Israel for it's historic religious values. I would skip the middle eastern countries and head for Eastern Asia, with countries like Thailand, India, China (Including Hong Kong) and if my RV could be transported via boat, then the Philippines and Japan would be high on my list. Again if I could use a ferry I would be sure to visit Australia and tour all the major cities there. Also New Zealand. As for America, I would like to tour several of their states, driving along their famous Highways, states such as Colorado, California, New York and of course Florida as well as other famous cities throughout the U.S. I would tour Canada and move north to Alaska which, although we are informed is very cold, has MONTHS of sunlight for several months a year. Which I would love to experience for a few weeks. I mustn't neglect South America, which has a lot of cultural experiences to offer. Mexico and Brazil would be my top two choices, but political stability allowing I would tour them all. My goodness, I almost forgot Africa, I would love to experience an African Safari and some of the developed countries.

Check out my sponsors site here


They have a whole range of New and Used Recreational Vehicles on offer. My personal choice would be a RV with all the comforts of home, good kitchen, comfortable beds, a 50" LCD TV, Satellite and plenty of space inside.

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